OISP Settled Claims Against Monarchy

CONTACT       Since Time Began       CONTACT
SOVEREIGN NATION STATES    ___________   CHANCELLOR OF LAWS   ___________  
This declaration is submitted through the Royal Prerogative Writ of sovereign, settled HRM Stitumaatulwut Hwuneem RM Peter Kwa'mutsun Nation State; and, is embraced by the World Peace Council Compact, plus, the Turtle Island North Division; and, further, is a registered Complaint before the International Tribunal of the  Settlers Court. This said writ, hereafter, is referred to as the Indian Residential & Day Scholars Victims Settlement Dispatch : FPIC-XXII [F-PIC-22]. Peoples to be compensated through this F-PIC-22 Claim shall include the estates of those alleged victims who have now died.
[Claims Submitted By CANOE Peoples : Include Children And Adults : 3,500,000 Peoples at $1.5 Million Each]
CANOE Peoples : namely, those continuously settled Peoples since the beginning of time in territories of Turtle Island North / North America
SHIP Peoples : namely, those Peoples arriving from territories other than Turtle Island North or South  : North or South America
Notice Of Claim
$6T or Fair Market Value
For Value Assessment See ADDENDUM CAUSE For Good & Just Cause
Allegations : Peoples called "Indians" [hereafter referred to as the "CANOE"] have suffered loss through the wilful and conspiratorial policies and practices of ones [hereafter referred to as the "SHIP"; this loss includes, but is not limited to : (A) personal physical and emotional injuries; (B) loss of heritage and culture; (C) loss of access to individual land titles; and, (D) loss of governance of lands and resources, resulting in the Unjust Enrichment of the Accused Respondents to this said Claim.
Terms Of Settlement
(1) Fair Market Value as based upon universal customary and international case law
(2) International adjudication on issues of governance of lands and resources
(3) Jurisdiction of law for Hearing
Settlement Deadline
December 31st, 2015
In the event that a Peace Trust Friendship Settlement is not achieved prior to 2015 year end; then, this Complainant of this F-PIC-22 Declaration shall invoke Custom Law.
 Crown Canada legal counsel have represented the F-PIC-22 victims to date. without apparent advisement to the said victims of the provisions of both custom laws and international laws in matters of paramount governance; or, in matters of the universal provisions of fundamental human rights that
Historical Factum
The Following Are Expressed Through The Eyes Of Customs & Traditions Of CANOE Peoples
Public Records Of CANOE & SHIPS PEOPLES Attest To The Veracity Of  Truth Therein
Point One : The Respondent Crown Canada [the "SHIP"] cannot provide documentation to support its claim of right to land titles and right of paramount governance of territories north of the 49th parallel
Point Two : The Complainant Peoples [the "CANOE"] possess vested, historical records of oral and written facts of settled continuous occupation and governance of these said lands north of the 49th parallel as sovereign, independent nation states since the beginning of time without abandonment

 Two competing governing bodies prevail upon the lands north of the 49th parallel in North America / Turtle Island North.

The consecutively settled Peoples of the "CANOE" are those of ancestry dating back to the time of creation; and, have governed these lands without abandonment for more than 30,000 years. The CANOE Peoples are the original governing authority of these lands, waters and air spaces; and, have endured against hostilities  as organized Peoples for more than 10,000 years. Being devout stewards of these said lands, it has been the principal ethic of the CANOE Peoples to harvest resources in balance with the abundance.

Explorers and academic scholars from Asia have been visiting these Turtle Islands North & South [TINS] for more than 3000 years; chronicling these visitations in the monastery scrolls of Asian monks.

The viking western European adventurers have been coming to these TINS territories for some 1000 years; establishing compounds and sometimes marrying with the CANOE Peoples.

And, the colonization of these "Americas" TINS lands commence with the 1482 exploits of "SHIPS" of Columbus. And, further, it was through these Spanish landings that the burdens of the Divine Proclamations of Catholic Church Papal Bulls : Romanus Pontifex and Inter Caetera, also, arrived with plundering devastation - immediately, subjecting the original settled CANOE Peoples to servitude and slavery.

In 1613, the Dutch established the Two Row Wampum Trade Agreement with the settled CANOE Haudenosaunee Peoples; which prevails in this modern era  as the longest lasting and most peaceful trade agreement in the world. Peace Trust Friendship or Gus Wen Tah is the Two Row Wampum code; and, it includes the CANOE vested right of veto; through which the SHIP can be ordered to leave port, forthwith for any breach of the code; and, the CANOE Haudenosaunee Onondaga Peoples hold the veto authority due to their longest lasting peacemaking history.

The arrival of the other western European nation commercial traders brought a more onerous ethic; carrying with them the Papal Bulls and the English Supremacy Acts - both of which arrived to deny the CANOE Peoples any right of land title or governance. These were commercial exploits; not wages of war by one nation state upon another nation state [at the time of arrival of these commercial traders, there were 1100 CANOE nation states in Turtle Island North.

These commercial traders arrived with the intent of conquest; although they were only enfranchised by their corporate charters of establish trade relations; and, in the case of the 1670 Hudson's Bay Company, the Royal Charter prohibited the acquisition of lands. These commercial exploits included crimes of acquisition through germ warfare / the dispatching to the CANOE Peoples of diseased blankets and shirts - which devastated the CANOE populations. Starvation tactics were implemented on the prairies through the destruction of the primary source of life : the buffalo : 50-million killed in less than 10 years.

The Royal Proclamation of 1763 presumed authority of the SHIP over the CANOE without any treaty with the 600+ CANOE sovereign nation states north of the 49th parallel. CANOE Peoples have continuously ventured to Europe's Crown courts to file objections; including, the 1923 Haudenosaunee delegation to the League of Nations by emissary Chief Deskaheh.

As an incorporated founded nation state Crown Canada has imposed "Indian reserves" upon the CANOE Peoples; therein, further depriving them to access of traditional sustenance. These "Indian reserves" have served as prison camps upon the CANOE Peoples.

Following the 1867 Canada confederation; and, the subsequent joining by incorporated provinces and territories, the SHIP Crown Canada commenced the strategies and practices of seizing CANOE Peoples' children into enforced indoctrination camps called Indian Day & Residential Schools - where some 50,000 children are reported to have perished through abuse and neglect. The 1996 Crown Canada Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Report and the current Canada Truth & Reconciliation Commission have established a perpetual record of individual complaints of harm as experienced by these CANOE Peoples' children and their parents up until 1996.

In the course of time since 1996, public records reveal that Crown Canada has continued these alleged crimes against humanity through continued seizures of CANOE children from their parents; excessive and unlawful incarceration of CANOE Peoples in CROWN Canada penal institutions; deprived education, social services, housing, health care, and employment training at "Indian reserves; plus, extreme loss of land titles have caused 50% of CANOE Peoples to abandon their historical native territories, and attempt to survive in the SHIPS cities, where poverty again creates substance abuse, criminal acts and human slavery into prostitution ... All of which is enforced through para-military and direct military Crown Canada interventions against these said CANOE Peoples.

Where CANOE Peoples on these reserves attempt to achieve reconciliation through universal laws regarding human rights and nation state sovereignty paramountcy, Crown Canada therein deprives that said CANOE territory of funding [funding seized into Crown Canada claim through the Unjust Enrichment doctrines, sustained against the UN Charter obligations Crown Canada undertook as a founding member].

Diabolical, continuous hatred by the SHIP of the CANOE Peoples is evident through public records. These historical and continued depravities warrant a "Fair Market Value" settlement - one not achieved in any part through the Indian Residential School Victims Settlements; and, not yet quantified adequately within the Class Claims of Indian Day Scholars quests at Crown Canada courts ; nor, at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights per the Hul'qumi'num Treaty application in 2009.

The 2013 Kwa'mutsun Nation State credentials challenge at the UN of the Crown Canada claim of nationhood entitled and membership entitlement under the UN Charter is not yet at the tribunal for hearing.

The Supreme Court of Canada; and, provincial judges have been apprised at court of their endangerment of being subject to war Crimes charges for continuing to claim jurisdiction to render decisions in the absence of entitlement treaties. These judges, supra, have been instructed to "depart port; and, not to return without CANOE invitation.

The UN has been issued Notice Of Intent to vacate their premises - as remaining under the Haudenosaunee protocol; subject to veto requiring the SHIPS departure at the instruction of the Onondaga Peoples.

Elizabeth II  and the British Parliament has been warned of impending sanctions to seize the UK Crown jewels into trust on behalf of CANOE Peoples, for disposition as a recovery against unjust enrichment at the expense of CANOE Peoples. In these warnings, it is further advised upon HRM EII that a public interest petition to seize her into arrest for breach of her coronation oath is forthcoming.

Crown Canada Prime Minister Harper is advised of impending arrest under customary and international law in the matter of his alleged breach of the Canada Criminal Code regarding breach of a public officer regarding the continued refusal to cooperate with two existing RCMP investigations on matters of alleged corruption of public funds against the right of a CANOE party holding land rights being trespassed and creating unjust enrichment of the Crown Canada against the evident continued right of the Complainants Daniels and HRM Saylhiye Crocker.

Point (1) : A Fair Market Value settlement in favour of the Complainant CANOE against the Respondent SHIP is $6-Trillion USD; to be derived from both Crown Canada and the Crown UK, forthwith through the application of sanctions and seizures under both customary and international laws.
Point (2) : United Nations member states shall be subject to this claim by joint-and-several doctrine arising from the continued UN membership of Crown Canada, contrary to the CANOE objections.
Point (3) : Assets of all respondents shall be subject to seizure and disposal through domestic and international public auction.
Point (4) : see ADDENDUM CAUSE for Just Cause & Good Cause in the matter of Fair Market Value [FMV] for $6-Trillion Claim of Settlement in favour of CANOE Peoples.
This CANOE Claim upon the SHIP is filed before both the United Nations and the Settlers Compact Court for rendering of decisions on this Complaint.